Tuesday, January 5, 2010


>>"If our government would leave the fund alone and only use it for it's intended purpose then there is no way the fund could ever become insolvent"

What is in this fund you mention? To my understanding, the Social Security trust fund is a myth. It's full of IOU's. The government has already committed Social Security taxes to current spending and has for decades, so the fund has run dry already. Everything that comes in the front door goes right out the back door, immediately. The fund has not been replenished.

>>"there is no way the fund could ever become insolvent unless more than 50% of the working population was out of work and not contributing."

Your math is all wrong. The idea that only 50% of the population needs to be employed in order to cover promised benefits is wrong. Even if 100% of the population was employed and paying taxes, there is not enough cash flow to fund military, social security, medicare, interest on the debt, and everything else.

Even if Americans had their entire incomes seized in taxes, the government would still need to auction more Treasuries ( add debt ) to cover current spending and promised benefits.

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