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Friday, November 20, 2009

Both the Phony Left And The Phony Right Lie About 'free markets'

The modern conservative stance on the relationship between governments and markets is also a fraud. If 'free-market fundamentalists' are 'doing their thing', the results don't show it. Despite what is alleged, the government is not being 'dismantled'. Far from it.

The US federal government spent 20% of US GDP in 1948, 30% by 1961, 35% by 1989, and 45.34% in 2009.

There are more federal agencies than ever, and the federal government redistributes more wealth than ever- upwards.

Big Government is far too valuable an ally for Big Business to ever be dismantled. Big Government is purchased, compromised, enlarged, and then crafted into a weapon of Big Business that is used to spy on and punish competitors. Big Government harvests wealth for corporations and transfers it in the form of contracts and subsidies. Big Government enforces market discipline in favor of the insiders' club.

The most powerful corporation in the country, the Federal Reserve, would not rotate emissaries from Goldman and the rest of the banking cartel into government offices if this did not pay dividends. Government is a subsidiary of Big Business; it's essential for the management of crony capitalism that government be large, powerful and feared.

Government is the club that the oligarchy uses to guard their empire from the rabble. The solution to the failures of our current centrally-planned economy is not to make it more communist, because that just means making it more totalitarian.

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