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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tax Revenues Remain Stable No Matter The Top Rate

The primary cause of the debt during Bush 43 was not tax cuts, it was increased spending on wars and on the internal security state in the wake of 9/11. Democrats never organized to block this spending.

In fact, while federal tax revenues did decline in 2001-2002 because of the dot com crash, the tax revenues collected from 2003-2007 rose by a huge amount ( over 30% ) because of the housing bubble. You can verify all this by looking at this chart produced by the Office of Management and Budget:

Federal tax receipts declined again in 2008 after the mortgage bundle fraud was exposed, and now they are projected to be way down for 2009.

Excess spending of borrowed money is always the biggest contributor to US deficits, and the interest charged on this borrowed money is becoming the dominant contributor to all future deficits, because it is baked into the cake, through all future administrations.

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