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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Clogged Arteries

Even the honest politicians who know that obedience to the central banking corporation has placed us on an unsustainable fiscal course are nervous about what comes next if we cut our losses and go back to constitutional money, because they recognize that not only is the Fed's grip secured by the debt obligations they have charged against us, their grip is secured by the inevitable turmoil they will cause if we try to transition away from the Fed.

At this point, I hope most people have caught on that the Fed is in this for the Fed ( ignore the media trying to cast Bernanke as the savior ), but people struggle to describe an America without the Fed, or explain what it will take to get there.

We need politicians to get past that fear, and we need to throw out the ones who are obvious agents of Wall Street. If we don't, every trend of the past century accelerates. We can jump out of the bus when it's going 60 mph and probably live, but when we're hurtling into default at 200 mph, we won't even have the chance to jump out of the bus. Unless we want to borrow and borrow and pay compound interest until we have a massive fiscal heart attack, we better change our diet. All these interest charges are clogging our arteries.

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