Blog Archive

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Instant Debt Consolidation

You cannot pay down a debt that is increasing because of compound interest with taxes. There is no ceiling on compound interest charges. They are in effect infinite. The reservoir of tax revenue is finite.

Taxes can never be raised enough to keep up with the compound interest generated by a fiat money supply. You will choke off all incentive to earn if you even try it.

You cannot cancel out compound interest charges by reducing current spending. The interest is compounding on old spending that is on the books forever.

You must end the Fed and exile or imprison all the owners of the Fed.

Then you default on all debts charged to the American citizens by our unconstitutional central bank.

Then you promise war on any creditor that seeks to take American assets or soil in return for some phony paper crap issued by the illegal, parasitical, predatory central bank.

Once you do all that, you de-globalize America and vow to never repeat the mistakes made during the century we were enslaved by money changers.

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