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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Reckless Overspending

tangoparisienne: "how do you propose we stimulate the economy without spending?"

The problems we have with the economy come from reckless overspending. Overspending with borrowed money put us in this hole. We foolishly thought we could replace wealth earned through internal production with wealth borrowed from the speculative/casino economy, and then we spent ourselves silly on imported goods. That's not real money, it's paper bubble money, and it's not real prosperity, it's debt peonage.

We need to immediately take control of the monetary system away from the illegal Federal Reserve, end our overseas military presence, dedicate our defense spending to the defense of the 50 states, period, and then slap giant tariffs on every import until we end trade deficits and make what we consume. This will dry up fictional capital and redistribute wealth back into the hands of the people willing to earn an honest living.

Globalization is a scam. We need to unwind it all and disconnect ourselves from all institutions that facilitated the transfer of America's productive capacity overseas.

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