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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Phony Panic Of 2008

We would not be seeing a 'real' depression if the banks didn't extort those trilions- this is demonstrated by the fact that the banks hoarded the money or poured it back into the speculative markets, and the depression didn't follow. The real economy hit a ledge all on its own. The TARP didn't provide a parachute at all.

We will be seeing a real depression for one primary reason- the bankers installed an unconstitutional fiat money system, and they always implode when the debt can no longer be serviced. No rescue of the banks makes sense, because the banks and their corrupt monetary system are the tumors themselves. Bailing them out is like bailing out cancer.

In the near term, the revitalized monster of Wall Street is prepping right now to shear off the top off their phony pump and dump markets again and give the poor defenseless propagandized cattle another push off the ledge and down the hillside. And then they'll have the gall to extort another ransom payment.

The idea that Wall Street is a domino that takes out the whole economy if it falls is a myth. Of course Wall Street tells you that they're indispensable to the general economy- they want you to rush to their rescue when they indulge in excessive gambling and fraud and burn their greasy fingers on their own smoldering waste products- but the reality is that Wall Street consumes more out of the economy than it provides. Think 'tape worm'

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