Saturday, March 13, 2010


The Revolutionary War was fought by primarily white colonists against the army of the white King of England, which was primarily made up of white soldiers. You can find the same racial demographics at work in the French Revolution or the Russian Revolution- the point is, just because you see a lot of angry white people grouped together, it does not mean that they are acting as racists.

The Tea Party movement is angry at the Washington/New York/globalist power structure, which is the property of overwhelmingly white power brokers. The people who are insisting that the anger of the Tea Party 'can only be about Obama and can only be about his skin color' are doing a great favor for the overwhelmingly white power brokers who funded the Obama campaign victory.

Those white power brokers couldn't ask for a better situation than to have any challenges to their power misrepresented as 'racism against Obama'. By putting Obama on point for their agenda, they give themselves a lot of extra breathing room.

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