Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Have you ever stopped to consider that your view of the Tea Party is through the lens of the dominant media?

The bread and butter of the dominant media's political coverage is the phony Coke vs. Pepsi duopoly of the two corporate major parties. The corporations that buy ads on the dominant media are all affiliated with the two major parties. The dominant media has every motive in the world to present a funhouse mirror view of the Tea Party.

The Tea Party opposes the Fed, Wall Street, foreign wars and globalization. The dominant media has delivered nothing but a sanitized view of the Fed, hypes foreign wars, and sold us the hoax of globalization. The Tea Party is not only opposed to the sellout leaders of both corporate globalist major parties, but is also a threat to the propaganda machine of the mass media.

It greatly serves the needs of the ruling power structure to destroy any upstart movements, because if they don't destroy them, then they have to buy them off and neutralize them, like they have done with the Democrats.

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