Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I'm not sure /don't know if the only reason that the Left embraced BHO is because of race,
but I do think that race is the glue that keeps many Democrats from breaking their embrace of Obama, though.

Why? Because the Left thinks racially at all times, at least as much as the Right, whether they admit it or not. They are largely unable to see Obama as an individual. They see him as a 'representative' of his race, and therefore, they view a repudiation or rejection of Obama as an attack on all who share his ethnicity ( which is made even more ridiculous by the fact that he's half white ).

This inability to judge someone as an individual separate from his race is a cornerstone of race-based thinking, and it's an inability that is epidemic in the Left. When the left plays the race card on Obama's behalf and paints that Teflon shield on him, they are exhibiting racism of their own. By forcing all judgments of his policies to be filtered through the issue of race, they send a very strong message that Obama's ethnicity handicaps his abilities. That's racist.

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