Monday, March 8, 2010

Reptilian Slime Lords

I'm not trying to feed any paranoia, but take a look at the big photo of the Fed building that is/was on the HuffPo front page. Count the long glass windows on the building's face. 10 to the left of the center entrance, 10 to the right of the center entrance, and three around the entrance itself. Total of 23. Lots and lots to do with 23's and 10+13 in various numerology/symbology

Fed established in 1913. December 23, 1913, to be exact. This probably breaks the rules of numerology, but (19) 1+9=10, plus 13, you reach 23.

I wonder if the Fed will finish collapsing the dollar at the end of the Mayan calendar. Which comes on December 23, 2012. 20 + 1 + 2=23

Reptilian slime lords have got our number.

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