Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fi At

All that needs to be done is to eliminate legal tender laws and taxes on market selected monies. Since we have several thousand years of history showing that Gold and Silver are typically selected as money, we should start by eliminating taxes on them. What this means is that when gold and silver hold value, they should not be punished by the taxman.

For example- once legal tender laws are repealed, precious metals will benefit, when measured in the receding quality of the Federal Reserve note that is being rejected as a medium of exchange.

If you are a farmer and you pay your bricklayer neighbor 100 ounces of silver in July for a brick wall when silver is $18 an oz. ( when measured in FRN's ) and then the silver has appreciated to $25 an ounce in FRN's by April when tax time comes, then the bricklayer cannot have the change in the FRN price of silver counted against him as a capital gain on his taxes, because that punishes him for choosing a stable commodity as a medium of exchange over the inferior FRN. If there is a push for a different medium of exchange, it should be treated in the same fashion.

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