Wednesday, March 3, 2010


>>"where were the teabaggers when the far-right endorsed and supported a massive increase in the size of government, unitary executive power grabs and unconstitutional measures fueled by fear-mongering over the very remote threat of terrorism? " from

Do we need to even count how many times the Left either laid down for the same fear-mongering, or worse, amplified it in lockstep with GWB?

This past week, the Democratic majority passed and President Obama signed an extension of the Patriot Act for another year. Without making any revisions to it. So I guess that counts as a 100% endorsement of the Bush DOJ's Patriot Act by Obama and the Democrats.

98 Senators voted for the Patriot Act in 2001. Were they all 'far-right'?
89 Senators voted for the renewal in 2006. Were they all 'far-right'?

Democrats never succeeded in blocking any of Bush's war appropriation bills. Even after they took a majority in 2006. Even after we all learned that the intel was concocted. Even after the WMD's never appeared.

Democrats never brought impeachment charges against Bush or Cheney. Even after we heard about the torture and rendition and wiretapping.

The Democrats are up to their necks in blame for the Bush attacks on civil liberties and the Bush war crimes.

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