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Sunday, February 21, 2010


The US government, financial establishment, and citizens are not all allies on the same team, with a shared, mutually beneficial agenda. There is no dominant national self-interest at work through government and finance in America, and there hasn't been in decades. Citizens are resource gatherers, labor; and soldiers; government and finance are resource users, bosses, and warmongers. They can't be on the same team. One wants to get paid more when it delivers more, one wants to pay less for the same product.

The US government and the US financial system are spokes of a global government
al/financial axis of control, and they exist to serve the greater aims of this international structure. It is not cost efficient for this globalist enterprise to favor America's economy over other economies that deliver better return on their investments.

'Competition is a sin', said JD Rockefeller, but managed ( phony ) competition between controlled adversaries is essential, because managed competition produces predictable outcomes. America 2010 is the predictable outcome of managed multi-national competition between multiple controlled populations.

Cattle are not fed endlessly by ranchers until they grow old and die peacefully. Cattle are fed until the time is right to slaughter them and sell the meat. America was fattened to serve as global military enforcer for the international financial agenda, but we are being phased out. The feed bag will shrink, the herd will be thinned, prime cuts of beef will be sliced off and delivered to our creditors.

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