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Sunday, February 14, 2010


You're backpedaling. Here's what you wrote originally:

Wray: "Next you pay your tax, wiping out your debt, your asset, the govt's debt and the govt's asset"

That sentence, as written, claims that the debt is wiped out each year by tax revenue. You know that isn't true, so you revised it in your next post:

Wray: "there would be no outstanding debt IF taxes exactly equaled govt spending in each and every period"

( Emphasis on the word 'if' added by me. )

Wray: "If government spends more than it taxes, it is a debtor and you are creditor."

Totally erroneous. If government spends more than it taxes, the government covers the budget gap with borrowing ( through the auction of Treasuries ) and the citizen is not the creditor, but the debtor, because the government pledges a revenue stream generated by the citizens to make the Treasuries marketable and to service their yield.

Wray: "On your question about a $1M check. YES that would certainly end the recession"

That is ridiculous. If the money supply was expanded by 300,000,000 citizens x $1,000,000, the Federal Reserve Note would be instant Weimar/ Zimbabwe toilet paper. That million dollars would give you extra purchasing power for all of about three seconds, before a volcano of hyperinflation exploded.

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