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Monday, February 15, 2010

Liberals Hate The Tea Party But Want It To Do Everything They Should Have Been Doing Themselves Decades Ago
prompted this comment:
>>"Why aren't the teabaggers venting their rage where it really needs to go?"

Well, I don't know anything about the 'Teabag' movement ( which seems to be some kind of Glenn Beck/Sarah Palin AstroTurf that the phony left/phony right/dominant media have concocted to short circuit a growing anti-Washington/anti-Wall Street sentiment ), but if you're talking about the real original Tea Party people, they have nothing to apologize for when it comes to their stance against Wall Street.

The genuine constitutional movements that have now been grouped loosely together under the 'Tea Party' label, that crowd has a lot of overlap with the Ron Paul people, who have long records of opposition to the financial establishment and the central bank. Decades longer than just about anyone in what is called the 'progressive left' these days- most of that crowd first took notice of Wall Street shenanigans in late 2008, when their stock portfolios took a hit. Before that, they were good salesman for the globalization policies of Clinton/Gore, and very very few of them complained about the housing bubble while it was inflating, because they were flipping houses and spending the phony wealth created by the juiced credit markets.

Pretty much just like Goldman Sachs was. The modern left really didn't even break with Wall Street as the housing bubble was popping, because they turned right around and voted in Obama, who got four times more Wall street money than McCain.

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