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Sunday, February 21, 2010


I'm afraid that the only real answer is a new monetary system. The current monetary system exists to extract new interest payments on old loans. We can't win this struggle if we stay on the current monetary system. Cutting all over the place will not solve the core issue: we have a monetary system that is built on self-perpetuating debt.

The citizens of the US would be wise to plan for an intentional debt default. Otherwise, the schedule is set by our creditors.

As a nation, we are faced with two doors every year, and we keep picking the wrong door every year. We walk through the wrong door and spend another year renting our money supply from a private corporation. Then we look at all our taxes and look at the debt, and they both grew again. That should send a message. We cannot tax our way out of this, we cannot grow our way out of this.

The compound interest is the variable that we cannot control. The interest is the prison bars.

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