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Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The whole political spectrum needs to be recalibrated.

If real liberals are sick of voting for phony centrist 'lesser of two evils' types, then I would encourage them to think about where 'liberal' and 'liberty' cross paths. The words come from the same place, and 'liberal' used to stand for freedom.

Think about what libertarianism might have in common with liberalism. Stop being scared of promoting individual liberties ahead of state power. Stop jumping for 'Bigger Government' as the answer for everything. It's exactly the choice that Big Business wants you to make, because they own The State.

The State is a conservative institution, and it grows more conservative the larger it gets. A bigger state *has to* take away more individual freedoms. It cannot be made into a liberal institution, because the bigger you make it in pursuit of some 'liberal utopia' , the more that Big Business and the ruling class will pay to own it.

It's a temptation they can't resist. A huge, powerful tool for pushing people around and micromanaging their lives? OF COURSE the ruling class is going to buy that right out from under you. It's the superweapon they've always dreamed of.

Stalin: Big State.
Hitler: Big State.
Mao: Big State.

On and on.

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