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Sunday, February 7, 2010


It is partly on all of us. We wanted flat screen tv's. We didn't want to build them. We wanted iPods. We didn't want to build them. We wanted cheap, fuel-efficient cars. We didn't want to build them. We voted for politicians who seduced us with cheap imports and rising speculative markets, and we didn't want to believe that these were narcotics that would keep us sedated while our manufacturing capacity was transplanted overseas.

( There's a heavy dose of sarcasm in the above, obviously. Obviously, millions of Americans wanted to keep manufacturing inside America- but they were drowned out and demonized as 'nationalists' and 'protectionists' by those hustling the 'free trade'/globalization myth, from both parties and from Wall Street. )

There's a famous fable about the ant and the grasshopper. We're the grasshopper.

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