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Tuesday, February 9, 2010


>>"It would be easier for Democrats to tell folks "we're on your side" if more of them actually were."

True. Obama collected 4X what McCain collected from the financial sector during the 2008 campaign. Are the Democrats going to slit their own throats and throw that gravy train away trying to make a real marriage with real independents? I highly doubt it. The Democrats might promote a fake populist/independent movement to try and corral their disaffected members, similar to some of the fake libertarian movements being cultivated by Republican corporate interests.

Instead of two globalist/corporate parties ( Dem and GOP ), maybe we'll have four Pied Piper movements leading voters right off the nearest cliff?

1- current globalist Democratic party of Wall Street
2- current globalist Republican party of Wall Street

and the two new masks:

3- fabricated fake 'left wing' populist party
4- fabricated fake 'right wing' populist party

The control apparatus always likes to have that yin and yang duality of controlled opposition working for them. They can't fit three parties into that ( odd number, no good ), so they'll attempt to crush a legitimate third party movement by creating two more controlled opponents in false opposition, for a yin and yang 'quadrality'- old Dems, new 'independent' left vs. old GOP, new 'independent' right.

Once the sheep are properly rebalanced across the political spectrum, the bulldozer of the financial elite can continue on its way.

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