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Friday, February 12, 2010

A Long Leash For A Dumb Country

They key to the enormous profits generated out of the private Federal Reserve's control of the monetary system is not the 6% dividend that all the corporation's shareholders receive annually- the incredible windfall to the Fed comes out of what a debt-backed monetary system permits: excess spending.

By hiring the Fed to provide the nation's monetary supply, the government frees itself from
the restrictions of funding wars out of taxes. If the US government was forced to pay for overseas wars out of tax revenue instead of shoving the costs out into the future through money borrowed from the Fed, the numerous military involvements would not only be fiscally impossible, but politically impossible. There would be a citizens' revolt if war costs were extracted from current revenues.

The international financial establishment requires a large military to expand and defend emerging markets, crush popular resistance in developing countries, and capture and guard oil supplies- these and many other destructive missions of conquest are funded through the arrangement that the US government has with the private banking cartel. Ownership of the largest banks is integrated with ownership of the petroleum cartel and the network of defense contractors, and they all work towards symbiotic hegemony by making nations dependent on their credit system for access to money.

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