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Friday, February 5, 2010

Talking Point

The funniest anti-Tea Party talking point out there has got to be the one that claims that it's a proxy movement created by Wall Street and Big Corporations. Wall Street and Big Corporations are petrified of a decentralization of power. Decentralized power is much harder to corral and command. The financial elite built a powerful central government because a powerful central government allows them to price fix and collude and contract rig and soak up corporate welfare. Big central governments police markets in favor of the insiders' club.

Why do drug dealers attempt to pay off cops and turn them corrupt? Because it's good for business. Business runs much smoother for criminals when you have the cops in your pocket. Corporations paid off the cops of Washington and made them strong so they can sic them on their competitors and stomp on any citizen movement that threatens them.

Corporate power in America is based on crony capitalism that is oligarchical and anti-competition. This power would crumble if they didn't have a strong government guarding their castle.

People will be complaining that 'the rich are going to dismantle government' forever, and it will never happen. When the wealth is being consolidated into a smaller and smaller number of hands, simple logic tells you that they're not going to shrink their security force. All tiny minorities surround themselves with large armies and large police forces.

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