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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


That was during the entire Bush administration.
You did know that neither Afghanistan or Iraq was on the books - not ONE CENT - until Obama put them back on as expenses?

If you have somehow concluded that only a Republican would point out the problems on my list, let me assure you: I complained about them during the Bush Presidency, the Clinton Presidency, the earlier Bush Presidency and the Reagan Presidency- basically, ever since I recognized that a globalist/Wall St. power alliance had displaced our two party system.

That is not a partisan list of problems. It's not an anti-Obama list of problems, it's not a pro-Bush list of problems. It's a list of problems that we will have to face together as a nation as long as a globalist/Wall St. power alliance makes the agenda, and as long as people invest their energy into an utterly compromised two party system in hopes of fixing them.

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