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Sunday, February 7, 2010


Americans generally suspect that there is some degree of insider manipulation controlling our economy. Many suspect there is a large degree. But the difference between knowing this and deciding to tear the system down is huge, as big as an ocean.

I think that many Americans are convinced that the current level of corruption and even much more is tolerable, as long as the tv has 200 channels and gas is around $3 a gallon and the markets are stuffed with food. 20% unemployment is not going to tip the scales against the system. 30% won't. There will need to be breakdowns in the supply of basic goods or rapid inflation or riots and looting before Americans will say, "We've had enough."

Americans are mostly convinced that any attempt to tear this system down will imperil their families, maybe get them thrown in prison or shot. Beyond this system lies The Unknown. They can't predict the unknown. They can't face the unknown. So they hire politicians who they hope will 'tweak' the system around the edges.

If the outright extortion and robbery of 2008 did not make people march on NY and DC, well, we'll probably see the gangsters try the whole TARP scam all over again. An honest audit of the Fed should make people blind with rage. But it won't. People need to have their world turned upside down before they take steps as individual citizens against this system.

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