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Monday, February 15, 2010

Back To Greece

>>"Let me understand this article. Those investors who bought Greece's debt need to take it in the kisser and let Greece default."

Greece needs to stiff them. Greece should look to Iceland for guidance in how to proceed. The citizens of the US would be wise to plan for an intentional debt default as well. Clearly, the US Constitution prohibits a privately-owned central bank operated for profit, so any purchases of Treasury debt brokered by the Federal Reserve are null and void, and any attempt to enforce leins or collect collateral on those bonds should be interpreted as an act of war.

The parties that purchased US debt instruments in the past century were either conscious or unconscious participants in a great fraud, and even though they may be defrauded by a debt default themselves, that is how the system works. Claiming 'I didn't know' doesn't allow you to keep a stolen car you bought.

If criminals took over all the officer positions of your local bank and then wrote checks to their friends on the banks' deposits, those checks would not be honored, and neither should any credit agreements made by a central bank in unlawful supervision of the citizens' monetary system. 

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