Thursday, January 7, 2010


"The Tea Party also has a very clear message - the problem is big government, big business, and corrupt politicians. Sure, when you push on their program, it's full of contradictions, like how to control big business without a government that can match Wall Street's strength."

A Big Government is not necessary to control Big Business. The reason why the Federal Government has grown and grown and grown no matter which corporate party is in control is because the biggest campaign contributors are hiring politicians who give them Big Government. Big Government pays off for Big Business. It polices markets in favor of the heavyweights, conduits contracts and corporate welfare to them, and subsidizes the overseas expansion of the multinationals.

Until the Left comes to grips with the fact that the financial elite and the big government have prospered because of their alliance and not because they are adversaries, the Left is not going to produce any mass movements of their own, other than superficial 'rock star' mass movements like the Obama campaign ( which was obviously a Big Business construct at the time, and even more obviously so in hindsight ).

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