Sunday, January 24, 2010

Get Off

We need to break out of the mindset that we need to recover from a market crash. We should ignore the markets. They ride on the backs of a healthy economy- a healthy economy doesn't ride on their success.

Healthy markets don't crash. Phony markets full of fraud and manipulation and media hype tend to crash, though, and when they do, it's a sign that things are out of wack. The stock market we had in March-April of 2009 was probably the most accurately priced market of the past eight years. Pumping up the DOW by intravenously feeding six banks and brokerages may fool some people into thinking that a recovery has begun, but it doesn't fool anyone who knows how we got to this point.

  There are industries that have planned well and developed their market shares through playing by the rules. If we we were going to add more government borrowing to the economy at all, we should have fed the healthy and let the weak starve. Instead, we fed the weak and the crooks and the cheaters and the papershuffling deadweights of the fantasy economy. Damn shame.

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