Friday, January 29, 2010

Financial Terrorism

>>"It would have taken very little to begin the crisis of trust that froze the markets."

But the origins of the crisis of trust that froze the market for bundled mortgages has been identified- it was a 100% legitimate distrust of the contents of those bundles. The sewage rose to the surface and the stench was inescapable. The credit markets froze up in 2008 because all the risk equations were haywire because of the massive underlying fraud propping them up.

Hypothetically, 'Osama bin Laden' could release a tape stating that the US Fed was holding trillions in toxic loans on its books to protect 'too big to fail' banks and OBL could point out that the Fed was buying back 80% of our own treasury issues in a mad effort to keep interest rates down, and hypothetically, that could start a panic, but only because it would all be true.

Our mirage economy of fictional values backed by phantom collateral is perfectly capable of exploding all on its own without any provocation from al Qaeda. I think it's worth considering the possibility that the actual architects of this ponzi scheme are plotting to pull the plug on it, and they're trotting out Emmanuel bin Laden Goldstein to serve as a scapegoat for a crash that they either can't prevent or intend to exploit.

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