Tuesday, January 5, 2010


"If the fund was left alone for it's intended use instead of constantly raided by Congress and other agencies, it would remain solvent indefinitely."

There is no 'if'. There is no fund. There is a box of Treasuries, which are being counted as assets even though they are obviously government liabilities, not assets. You're counting on money entering the benefit system which has been diverted out of the benefit system for decades. Where are you going to make the spending cuts so you can dedicate all the social security taxes to SS?

I can also guarantee you that population growth HAS been calculated into the predictions of Medicare and SS insolvency. As far as the increase in the size of the workforce that you're depending on, just have a look at this:


The headline is 'The Lost Decade: Zero Net Job Creation From 2000-2009'.

The percent change in payroll employment for this entire past decade?


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