Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cross Off The Money Candidates- Or Is That Too Difficult?

Yes, it's stupid to have ever granted corporations the rights of people, but the power is still in your hands, voters. If you don't like corporations heavily funding candidates, here's what you do, every chance you get to vote:

Cross off the candidate with the most corporate financing, and then cross off the candidate with the second-most corporate financing. In 99.9% of the races, you'll be crossing off the Democrat and the Republican, but that's what you have to do.

Corporations fund candidates because it pays them dividends. If the voters don't make it a futile exercise for the corporations to buy politicians, then your democracy is dead meat. Remember, the corporations are not only buying the politicians- they're buying YOU. When you give your vote to any candidate who raked in thousands or millions in corporate money, you just made a sale, too- of yourself, right to the status quo.

Aren't you landing in their cash registers enough all year long? Take a day off every November.

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