Saturday, January 2, 2010

Big Government Business

It's the responsibility of individual citizens to turn down employment with capitalists who abuse the system and to reject their goods and services. It always starts with us. No matter what the government does, good or bad, if we won't give our labor or money to bad capitalists, they will fall.

Depending on government to restrain the capitalists is risky, as we've seen. Big Business is very comfortable with our Big Government, because they own it.

Big Government is an essential conduit of contracts to them, rigs markets in their favor, subsidizes their overseas expansions, and protects their foreign investments with our military.

Big Government absorbs many costs of business that would ordinarily fall on business. Big Government enables the flat tax of the Federal Reserve- government funds operations on borrowed money, creating a uniform depreciation of the currency ( a flat tax ), rather than increasing the tax burden on corporate profits.

Big Government does not scare Big Business. Big Business created Big Government with their campaign contributions. Big Government provides another power structure to be used against the people, and also serves as scapegoat when Big Business creates a designed economic contraction.

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