Thursday, January 21, 2010

Repeaters>>" ... with the shadow elite, we don't know how and when we're being maneuvered. "

The when? It's easier to begin with the basic assumption that we're being maneuvered at all times, if there's more than about a $1.35 on the table riding on public opinion being swayed.

The how? Just as you explained. The mass media throws 'experts' with undisclosed ties to the shadow elite in our faces for as long as it takes to bend the zeitgeist and quell skepticism. The goal is to turn the general public into mockingbird 'repeaters'. Once people hear enough 'repeaters', they sense that the tide is rolling in, popular opinion is converging, and, unless they are immune to peer pressure, they fall in line.

That's how scams like 'Iraq WMD's' succeed. Crowd the media with 'experts', grow repeaters, mix in fear and patriotism, and then the shadow elite just have to step out of the way and let nature take its course.

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