Thursday, January 7, 2010

Clinging To Fantasy Finance

The so-called 'crisis' of 2008 ( which I think was largely engineered ) was when we should have called Wall Street's bluff. They were crying 'The sky is falling, the sky is falling, save us or we'll take you all down with us!', and we should have ignored them. The public did try and send this message to Congress. Calls and e-mails to politicians were 10-1 against the bailout, but then too many of the reps who voted against TARP on the first try caved in.

2008 was a window of opportunity to redress 95 years of unconstitutional money and corrupt crony capitalism finance, but the government completely squandered it. If Wall Street genuinely was on their knees, we should have kicked them right out the door, Federal Reserve included. Sure, they would have retaliated against the insolent serfs, but I do believe that if we kept our heads about us during the storm, we would have re-established citizen power over our monetary system eventually. Clinging to fantasy finance like we have no other option will be the death of this country.

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