Monday, January 25, 2010

We're A Funny Country

The US economy does seem a likely candidate to be torched for the insurance money, so picturing flames seems appropriate. I'm optimistic about the days after, too- a crash as spectacular as our impending crash has got to send a warning as loud as siren to those who follow after us, and teach many valuable lessons. Or at least give them a good laugh. I mean, it is comical when you think about it:

America, incredibly rich in resources, no enemies on our northern and southern borders ( after we beat down Mexico ), and yet somehow, we spend the whole last century embroiled in huge and small wars all over the globe, we give away our monetary system to a private corporation, we give away the lifeblood of our economy, manufacturing, to Asia, and we choose to live off trillions in foreign credit as if we can do it forever.

( And oh yeah- we elected both the son and the grandson of a Nazi financier to the Presidency. )

Yeah, we're a funny country. I hope those watching around the world learn something from our wild ride.

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