Monday, January 11, 2010

Is The Tea Party Movement To Blame For Everything? Democrats Insist 'Yes'

Good column, but I'm having trouble following this line of reasoning:

Leopold: "If the surging Tea Party really believed in its anti-bailout rhetoric, they'd be screaming for a windfall profits tax. But instead they so hate government and taxes that they'd rather let the biggest bankers in the world take our money and laugh all the way to the bank"

Wait a minute... 'they'd rather let the biggest bankers in the world take our money'?? How does the Tea Party movement 'let the bankers' do anything?

Why does the Tea Party movement deserve any blame if Obama and the Democratic majority in Congress fail to implement a windfall profits tax? The Tea Party isn't in power, Obama is. The ball is entirely in the court of the majority party..

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