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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ant Farm

One and only one organization benefits when people are given only two false choices, and that organization is the Ruling Class that gives the marching orders to both factions.

This article describes:

the fake liberal faction of the Corporate/Wall Street/War Party, represented by Obama currently


the fake conservative faction of the Corporate/Wall Street/War Party, represented by FOX news.

Two masks inside one false paradigm of restricted and false choices. Manufactured consent behind predetermined synthesis solutions.

There ARE two parties in America. They can be represented as:

1- Those that refuse to see Big Government for what it is: the enforcement arm of globalist capitalism, the bouncer hired by the club's owners and paid by the gullible public


2- Those who recognize that Big Government and Big Business merged into a single control apparatus about nine decades ago.

The Obama Party and the FOX party are two groups of brainwashed voters competing to be the favorite son of Wall Street, and they're both prisoners inside the first party listed above. It's like a prison riot. Two cell blocks of prisoners who can't see that they will always take orders from above, no matter who wins.

They must like life in the ant farm of the financial elite.

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