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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Keep Flapping Your Arms

The Earth's climate does not run on 40 year cycles. The Earth's climate runs on cycles that take 1000's of years to swell and ebb. Your 'greenhouse gas' blip is like the extra top inch of a huge wave or at the bottom of a huge trough. Remove it, halve it, double it, triple it, quadruple it, doesn't matter. Means nothing to the big picture.

If you rode in a car that moved along for thousands of years at speeds between 98 and 102 miles per hour and then one day you and your fellow humans stuck your arms out the windows and flapped your arms and briefly made the car move at 102.2 miles per hour, would you predict that in ten years you'd be able to make the car go 200 miles per hour, simply by continuing to all flap your arms?

That's what you AGW alarmists are doing. You're claiming that because a century of carbon emissions altered a solar-driven weather cycle by some minuscule degree ( if we can even trust any of the data ), that means that if we don't change our behavior, it will have temperature ramifications 100X as profound.

Not going to happen. CO2 is like the humans all flapping their arms out the windows of the car. They'll add a tiny tiny additional amount of propulsion/warming, and then that's it. There's a ceiling.

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