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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

If You Like False Choices, Stay Inside The False Left/Right Paradigm

I don't even think left wing/right wing, because it's a mental prison created by the same corporate gangsters who created the false left/right paradigm that has been manipulating the population for 100 years. Two tentacles leading back to the same octopus, a charade of false choices and manufactured consent.

There are way more than two sides to this issue. The real division is this:

On one side, you have the people who believe that Republican and Democrat are their only choices- they're the ones trapped inside the false paradigm, making their health care decisions based on the limited menu offered by the globalists who own both major front parties that serve as controlled opposition to each other.

On the other side, you have those who have woken up, and recognize that giving any more power to a giant central government ( whether it comes packaged by the fake left or the fake right ) is one more step down the path of complete servitude to the financial gangsters who have owned this country since they hijacked the monetary system.

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