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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Identify extremists By Looking For Those Shrieking The Loudest About 'Extremists'

It cracks me up when I see left-wing extremists refer to ordinary people as right-wing extremists.

Left wingers literally cannot conceive of anyone having differences with their agenda for legitimate reasons, because the Left genuinely believes that they are answering a higher calling. Despite many on the Left having a lukewarm to cold relationship with the concept of a God, they endlessly imply that their agenda is transformative and healing and 'unquestionably perfect'- i.e: holy.

To the Left, there is no such thing as left wing extremism, because they have sanctified their agenda and deposited it into the category of 'Mission From God'.

Extremists by nature compulsively label everyone with a different opinion as an 'extremist'.

If you want to find extremists, spot those shrieking the loudest about extremists. You'll be looking right at them.

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