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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Would Jesus Turn To An Imperialist Military Power For Help?

I'm a little surprised there's so much confidence on the Left that Jesus Christ in 2009 would tell Christians to pursue a better health care system by hiring the 2009 version of the US government to control it.

Would Jesus really look at an imperialist power that made wars and genocides to take its homeland and made wars to expand empire and say, "Christians, find better health care through these greed-fueled killers"?

Would Jesus look at a government beholden to multinational corporations that exploit labor worldwide and say, "Christians, find better health care through them"?

Would Jesus look at a government that serves as the enforcer for a Wall Street cartel of speculators and money changers and usurers and say, "Christians, find better health care through them"?

Before claiming with such confidence that 'Christ would steer today's Christians into deeper reliance on government ', maybe think about all that Christ might not like about today's US government.

Christ was not big on compromises made to 'go along and get along' with the powerful. Would Christ really say, "Trust this government, because it's the only game in town, take it or leave it"? The only authority figure Christ recommended was God.

Lastly, I think it's very strange that liberals are unable to resist implying that 'Christ would be on our side when we make our health care policy', since that is the exact same boast that liberals claim to despise when they hear it from the Christians across the aisle.

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