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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sellout Liberals Claim That Everyone Dissatisfied With Health Care Wants Their Solution

Perhaps 76% of the population does want to make minor or major changes to the way health care is delivered in America- but that doesn't mean that all of that 76% are in support of the Obama plan.

People look at who installed Obama ( Wall Street ), they look at what Obama has already delivered to the cartel in return, they look at the other Big Brother policies Obama is trying to ram through during his honeymoon, they look at the rest of the crew of corporate servants masquerading as Democratic leadership ( starting with Pelosi and Frank and Reid ), and they quite rightfully look at the Obama health care plan as yet another Trojan horse.

Obama is trying to nationalize the health care industry to serve the investor class, same as the bank nationalization, same as the auto industry nationalization.

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