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Sunday, November 29, 2009


“"No one is saying that we GOVERN it!!"

Really? What does the phrase 'man-made global warming' mean to you? My interpretation is this: It implies, strongly, that a warmer planet is the product of man. It's a highly misleading phrase that severely exaggerates man's role.

If you read the phrase 'man-made fire', you would interpret that to mean that an arsonist had lit a fire where no fire existed before, right? Well, the phrase 'man-made global warming' misleadingly implies that man, all on his own, made the planet warm! The phrase 'man-made global warming' does indeed imply that man governs his climate.

If the AGW alarmists were honest, they would tell people that the planet has always warmed and cooled, and will continue to do so, no matter what policies are implemented. But they won't do that. They strongly suggest that they can 'cure' the planet of warming with their magic carbon tax wand.”

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