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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Phony Liberals Attack Goldman Sachs In 2009 After Goldman Sach's Candidate Installed In White House In 2008

Everyone who warned about how much funding Obama was raking in from Wall Street during the campaign was drowned out by glassy eyed cultists murmuring 'change, change, change'. Most of the people issuing the warnings were from the real left, not the phony CFR globalist Wall Street left that installed Obama, so don't even pretend that it was a Republican strategy to highlight Wall Street's enthusiasm for Obama.

"It's a non-issue because they pumped money into all of the campaigns, hedging their bets."

Don't be ridiculous. It's a huge issue. If the banks feel like they can get fellated for their money by either major party, then there is no chance of change, is there? All options on the table are controlled.

How can confirmation of a single financial crime syndicate pulling the strings of both parties not be an issue?

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