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Friday, November 20, 2009

Controlled Media Slanders Populists

There's been a populist revolt going on for well over two years, but because it is being built by true liberals, true conservatives and libertarians and because the issue driving it is 'Opposition to Big Government, both Federal and Global', the mainstream media either ignores it, ridicules it, or demonizes it, and slanders everyone in it as 'conspiracy theorists', 'militia types', 'racists', or 'religious wackos'.

Any real populist revolt is going to come from people who have awakened and then discarded the phony paradigm of the two major parties, and since the primary mission of the mainstream media ( and plenty of the 'internet new media' as well ) is to keep people trapped in the prison of the two corporate parties, anybody who wants in on this populist revolt better not expect any help from the MSM.

The mainstream media will try and hijack populist movements and then drive them off a cliff, though. ( But hey, if people can't recognize that someone like Glenn Beck is an infiltrator bringing sabotage to any populist movement, they deserve what they get. )

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