Blog Archive

Sunday, November 22, 2009

To Be A Saver

To be a saver, one must save in something that cannot be debased by forces outside of your control. The federal reserve note does not fill that requirement. The value of a federal reserve note is under constant attack by a bank trying to slow down deflationary trends, so assets should not be kept in federal reserve notes long term.

The US central bank has tipped the scales to favor borrowers and punish savers, just as you posted. They do not want the dollar to be a storehouse of value- their objective is to train wage earners to constantly spend and borrow to their limits ( and beyond ), and constant expansion of the monetary supply achieves that goal.

Although speculation will affect the price of something concrete like land or gold, that speculation is really just altering the other side of the equation- the price of the commodity when measured in fiat dollars. The dollar fluctuates, the gold is constant. It is impossible for the Fed to make your ounce of gold weigh any less than an ounce, no matter what they do with their supply of fiat.

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