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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Controlling The Message

There should be no surprise that Team Obama mirrors the Bush administration's efforts to control message and shove all dissenters into the 'un-American' tent- they're operating from the same playbook. The ruling class insulates itself from scrutiny by convincing citizens that the pro wrestling match they're watching is the real power struggle. There is no power struggle. It's theater. There is only the methodical implementation of a unified agenda, through a series of rigged fights leading to ordained synthesis outcomes.

When resistance builds against the openly corporate Republican mask offered by the ruling class, the ruling class and controlled media spin the rudder and favor the supposed 'reform' offered by the Democrats. These tacks to the left or right never alter the long-term course of the ship of state, they just create the illusion of change.

The fake left will entice people to rally behind them by promising that they can 'drive Republicans into the wilderness' and 'exile them from the debate', but that's impossible. The Right IS the Left's reason for existence, and vice versa. Should either the Left or Right become so weakened that they can no longer be taken seriously as a combatant in the pro wrestling arena, then the public will see the single cartel operating both masks. That can't be allowed to happen and won't, not until the full authoritarian state can be revealed without fear of provoking revolution.

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