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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Loud Country Is A Free Country

A country where everyone says whatever they want even to the point of infuriating other people is a free country. In no way is a society where people feel like they need to look over their shoulder for a government monitor or need to 'please the crowd' with what they say a healthy society.

What fits into the category of 'civil' or 'responsible' is different for everyone. It's impossible to write those categories into law and we should never try. If we do, we can never claim to have free speech again. We'll have lost it forever.

The option to address or ignore the speech of others always rests completely with the individual doing the listening. Turning to the government to make someone else's free speech go silent will always come back to bite you personally- which is why the government is always trying to coax you into asking for that protection.

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