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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Two Tentacles, Same Octopus

The ruling party uses both emissaries, the fake left and the fake right, to create a manufactured conflict over an issue.

The whole point of the false left/right paradigm is that the citizens must be convinced that THEY are the ones deciding on health care. If the central government issued a new health care policy without preceding conflict between the false left and false right, even the dumbest would catch on that the two party system is a charade.

The controlled synthesis 'solution' that will result from this manufactured conflict is already plotted out, just like the 'solution' to the banking meltdown was decided BEFORE the fake left and fake right pretended to squabble over how to 'fix' the economy.

Now, the herd of cattle must be manipulated towards that synthesis solution on health care. This is done by framing both the problem and the reaction in a manner that the ruling class can control, and then the two controlled major parties stage a false competition that concludes with the citizens 'choosing' the predestined synthesis solution.

This is how the single party corporate fascist state builds itself- by disguising itself inside the trappings of a democracy.

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