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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Phony Liberals Only Tolerate Christians When They Can Use Them

The media presents a funhouse mirror image of Christianity, and many on the Left drink enthusiastically from that tainted spring. 'stock resentment' puts it well. The Left wants conservative Christians to remain the face of Christianity, because Christians make convenient scapegoats for the Left's own policy failures.

Mainstream liberals have made the complaint for decades that the media presents distorted stereotypes in place of reality when it comes to certain groups (racial minorities or gays or foreigners, for example ), but they're strangely silent when the same media constructs a distorted picture of Christianity by exaggerating the ratio of conservative Christians.

I'm guessing many liberals ignore this media distortion because it helps their own agenda, and I'm guessing these same liberals will swiftly return to their standard modus operandi of ignoring or sneering at Christians once they finish enlisting Christians into the health care debate.

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