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Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Any government that has given the store away to the Wall Street cartel over the past two decades ( as this government has ) is going to be on very thin ice when offering ANY new policy on health care or anything else. Why should we think these servants of a globalist crime syndicate are delivering truly populist health care? The natural assumption of any thinking person is always going to be "Which 1% of the country is going to cash in on this?"

The fingerprints of the global financial elite have been on every major policy direction and every war for 80 years. The mask of the 'protective government' has melted off, and now, when people see 'Government', they see 'Sharks'. Many, many people now recognize who rules America and what ideology unites them. The 2008 bailout pulled the curtains back on the real Washington.

When people feel like Democratic power and Republican power are both proxies of the same predatory oligarchy, they choose the only thing left: a stance against new government power of any kind.

Can't blame them.

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